Here’s a first look at a few photos from the birth of my twins. I was induced due to pre-eclampsia, and thankfully the induction and delivery went smoothly. The babies are a little premature at 36 weeks, but they are healthy and were able to come home with us from the hospital. They met big sister Avery a few hours after their birth, and what can I say? She is smitten.
All of the photos from the delivery were taken by my husband in P mode (programmed auto). I chose not to put the camera in full auto (green box) mode because I didn’t want the flash going off in the OR (Did you know that with twins, you deliver in the OR, even if you’re having a vag delivery? It’s in case something goes wrong and you need a crash c-section right away. Anyway, it was a “different” birth experience compared to my first.). The photos did require some editing, but I was pretty pleased with what he was able to capture, for someone who never uses a “fancy” camera! The first image is me and my fifty-thousand chins (yikes!!!), and the caption should read “10 centimeters, ready to push!” Morgan is the first baby to come out, followed shortly by her little brother Bennett.
The photos of big sis meeting the babies were taken by me 🙂 Enjoy!