It’s been hard to be a human lately. It seems like the bad news just doesn’t. stop.
It’s hard to know how to respond and how to keep going.
Amongst all the weight of current events, I’ve still been photographing clients and even documenting super important occasions like elopements. I haven’t felt an urgency to share or blog these images except for a few that I’ve posted over on Instagram. In some regard, it seems like I’m waiting for a happier time to share these photos. Perhaps in the back of my mind I worry that things won’t get better anytime soon.
I guess I’m just here to say that if you’ve found it difficult and exhausting to be a human lately, you’re not alone. I do have hope that things will get better, and I do think that tiny beautiful moments can exist at the same time as the shattering news.
That said, here are some photos from a wonderful week I spent in Maine during the summer of 2019, before the pandemic changed our world. Some dear friends of mine spent a week studying photography with world-renowned photographer Sam Abell, who I am also happy to call a dear friend.

These final 2 images are the ones I shared as part of the Maine Media Workshops student exhibition on the final day of the workshop.

I hope you are doing well and finding bits of beauty and magic among the stress, grief, and sorrow. It is a complicated thing to be alive right now. Wishing you health, patience, grace, rest, and laughter. Drop me a line to let me know what’s keeping you sane these days.
xo Carrie