Dear Morgan & Bennett,
My sweet twins. You’re now 19 months old, and I’m so amazed by you two every day! You both have such fun little personalities. Definitely different, which makes life even more fun. Bennett, you are so jolly and happy most of the time! You love running into your classroom every morning, and are happy to wave “bye bye” to me. Everyone at school says that you are so good natured, except of course when you’re mad. Then you stomp your feet back and forth and fuss. But even that we’ve been able to turn into a game where you’ll start laughing if we stomp our feet with you.
Morgan, you have a sweet little voice that you’ve been practicing with to say “hi” and “Hello”, but then you also have this FIERCE side of you with a very L O U D voice that you sometimes use to emphasize your excitement or to make a statement or of course when you’re M A D! It’s so funny to see all these different sides of you.
You are both very snuggly these days which is wonderful. And you have both become pretty easy to put to bed which is so nice for me and Baba. Your language is taking off with more words every day, and even some in Mandarin. Bennett, last night you said “ABC book” while pointing to show me which book you wanted. I was so amazed! I love you both so very much, and I can’t wait to see more of your personalities unfold in the coming months.
Now please head over to visit Brisbane newborn photographer Renee Shea to read her touching letter and enjoy her bright, colorful photography!