I was so happy to meet Ann and Kevin and their newborn baby girl, Baby M, for an in-home newborn photo session at their home yesterday. We had originally planned to shoot the session in the hospital, but there were many factors that conspired against and after scheduling and rescheduling at least two times, I ended up meeting Baby M at 5 days old after they were all finally home from the hospital.
I’m happy to share just a handful of the photographs we created yesterday so that family and friends near and far may join in the excitement and joy surrounding the much-anticipated arrival of this sweet girl.

Does a baby have a personality at only 5 days old? I certainly think they do. Baby M seemed calm and pretty relaxed, and I hope that foreshadows the kind of babyhood she will have, especially after all that her parents have already been through to bring this little one Earthside.
Here is the film I cut together from our session. I love the way it turned out, and mama exclaimed, “Happy tears!” when she watched it the first time.